
Verse of The Day

I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death.

Philippians 1:20

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Holy Days of The Month

♦ 10/1 Eustathius and his wife Theophistia and their two sons, the Virgins Iermonia and Catherine

♦ 10/3 Sts. Sahag and Hamazasb the Princes

♦ 10/5 The 72 Holy Disciples of Christ

♦ 10/7 Sts. Phocas the Patriarch and Irenaeus of Lyons, follower of the Apostles

♦ 10/8 The Holy Virgins Thekla, Barbara, and Pelagia

♦ 10/10 Sts. Pantaleon the Physician, Hermolaus the Priest, and Eupraxia the Virgin

♦ 10/12 The Holy Translators—Mesrob, Yeghishe, Movses the Poet, David (Tavit) the Philosopher, Gregory of Nareg, Nerses of Kla (grace-filled)

♦ 10/14 Discovery of the Relics of Saint Gregory Catholicos of the Alans, and the Holy Fathers Tatool, Varos, Thomas, Anthony, Kronites the Hermits and the seven Khodajarags who were martyred at the Monastery of the Nine Springs

♦ 10/15 Holy Apostles Ananias, Matthias, Barnabas, Philip, John, Silas and Silvanus

♦ 10/17 Sts. Dionysius the Areopagite and Apostles Timothy and Titus

♦ 10/19 The Holy Evangelists Matthew, Mark, Luke and John

♦ 10/21 Sts. Joseph, Longinus the centurion, Joseph of Arimathea, Lazarus, Martha and Mary

♦ 10/22 Sts. Theodoret the Priest, Zenon the Soldier, Marcarius, Eudoxius and Romulus

♦ 10/24 Sts. Kharityants, the Martyrs Artemius and Christopher, and the two women Niceta and Aquilina

♦ 10/26 The 12 Holy Teachers (Doctors) of the Church: Hierotheus of Athens, Dionysius the Areopagite, Sylvester of Rome, Athanasius of Alexandria, Cyril of Jerusalem, Ephrem the Syrian, Basil of Caesarea, Gregory of Nyssa, Gregory the Theologian, Epiphanius of Cyprus, John Chrysostom, and Cyril of Alexandria

♦ 10/27 Discovery of the Holy Cross

♦ 10/28 Sts. Anastasius the Priest, Varus, Theodota and her sons, and those who were martyred with her

♦ 10/29 Huperichians who were martyred at Somosata

♦ 10/31 St. John Chrysostom (Vosgeperan)

Q & A

  • Does God tempt us to sin?
    Answered by Bishop Meghrig Parikian Watch
  • How To Satisfy Your Spiritual Thirst?
    Answered by Mashdots Jobanian Watch
  • How to donate?
    Answered by Bishop Sahak Mashalian Watch
  • What Does the Bible Say About Peace And Love?
    Answered by Bishop Meghrig Parikian Watch
  • What does it mean to have mustard seed faith?
    Answered by Very Rev. Fr. Vaghinag Meloian Watch
  • Who is “My darling” in Song of Songs?
    Answered by Mashdots Jobanian Watch
  • What Does the Bible Say About Denying God?
    Answered by Very Rev. Fr. Vaghinag Meloian Watch
  • Why can’t everyone be rich?
    Answered by Bishop Sahak Mashalian Watch
  • Who is our only enemy?
    Answered by His Grace Bishop Meghrig Parikian Watch
  • What is the reason for the Resurrection of Christ?
    Answered by Mashdots Jobanian Watch
  • What are the Things that cause people to stumble?
    Answered by Bishop Sahak Mashalian Watch
  • What is the purpose of fasting during Lent?
    Answered by Mashdots Jobanian Watch
  • What happens when we are away from God?
    Answered by Very Rev. Fr. Vaghinag Meloian Watch
  • How can we become more like Christ?
    Answered by Mashdots Jobanian Watch
  • Who are we fighting against?
    Answered by Very Rev. Fr. Vaghinag Meloian Watch
  • Is it important what we eat or drink during Lent?
    Answered by Bishop Sahak Mashalian Watch
  • Who are the true servants of God?
    Answered by Mashdots Jobanian Watch
  • Can non-Christians be saved?
    Answered by Bishop Sahak Mashalian Watch
  • The difference between non believers and those who do not obey?
    Answered by Very Rev. Fr. Vaghinag Meloian Watch
  • Faith without root.
    Answered by Bishop Sahak Mashalian Watch
  • Should we pray for those who hate us?
    Answered by Very Rev. Fr. Vaghinag Meloian Watch
  • Was Judas “Predestined” to Betray Christ?
    Answered by Mashdots Jobanian Watch
  • Is “Prayer” intended to be a two-way dialogue between God and you?
    Answered by Very Rev. Fr. Vaghinag Meloian Watch
  • Should we worry about tomorrow?
    Answered by Bishop Sahak Mashalian Watch
  • Why Jesus did not save Himself on the Cross?
    Answered by His Grace Bishop Meghrig Parikian Watch
  • Why Mother of God was assumed to Heaven?
    Answered by Very Rev. Fr. Vaghinag Meloian Watch
  • What does it mean “Their kinds” in Genesis 1:25?
    Answered by Mashdots Jobanian Watch
  • Why Jesus was baptized?
    Answered by Bishop Sahak Mashalian Watch
  • Why Image of Virgin Mary Holding Baby Jesus on the Altar?
    Answered by Bishop Sahak Mashalian Watch
  • Why do we ask for God’s Will in the “Lord’s Prayer”?
    Answered by Bishop Sahak Mashalian Watch
  • What does it mean “Greet one another with a kiss of love” during Holy Mass?
    Answered by H.E. Bishop Meghrig Parikian Watch
  • Why we refer to God “Thy” in the “Lord’s Prayer”?
    Answered by Bishop Sahak Mashalian Watch
  • Do we need St. Mary’s or other saints Intercession or mediation?
    Answered by H.E. Bishop Meghrig Parikian Watch
  • Jesus and Isaac
    Answered by H.E. Bishop Meghrig Parikian Watch
  • “Hallowed Be Thy Name”
    Answered by Bishop Sahak Mashalian Watch
  • What does it mean to fear God?
    Answered by Very Rev. Fr. Meghrig Parikian Watch
  • Why are we Christians?
    Answered by Very Rev. Fr. Meghrig Parikian Watch
  • What happens to people who have never heard about Jesus?
    Answered by Very Rev. Fr. Muron Aznikian Watch
  • Was Jesus born on Dec 25th or Jan 6th?
    Answered by Fr. Karekin Bedourian Watch
  • Do we have to attend church?
    Answered by Very Rev. Fr. Boghos Tinkjian Watch
  • Where and how was Jesus Christ’s Cross found?
    Answered by Very Rev. Fr. Meghrig Parikian Watch
  • Did Jesus have any brothers?
    Answered by Very Rev. Fr. Meghrig Parikian Watch
  • Do Christians worship the same God with other religions?
    Answered by Very Rev. Fr. Meghrig Parikian Watch

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